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Friday, July 15, 2011

Coffee anyone???

Every morning I wake up and go strait to the kitchen and pop in my K cup and yum instant coffee. The only other place I will get my cup of morning coffee is at the gas station on the way to work. Why? because no one else knows how to make a cup of coffee to my taste. I have been to Dunk and Doughnuts( not enough sugar)but love there french vanilla coolatas, Starbucks have awesome specialty coffees (caramel mochiato)and let's not forget Gloria Jeans mmmmm (I could go on). But no where have I ever been where my first cup of coffee in the morning has been perfect to suit my needs. So every morning as I awake I say welcome to Mary's coffee shop and take that first wiff of the coffee aroma and sip it as I look out my patio door and look at the day and then remember damn I gotta go to work today!!!! 

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